
Speaking Life Into Your Finances 

 June 16, 2023

Hey there, Sister Friends! 

Can we take a moment to dig into something truly remarkable? Have you ever considered the immense power of aligning your financial journey with the principles found in the Bible? It's time to embark on a transformative path by making biblical financial declarations. So, grab a cup of tea, or coffee if that’s your thing, get comfy, and let's explore this exciting topic together! 

Do You Believe in the Power of God's Word for Your Finances? We all know that the Bible is a source of spiritual guidance, but did you know that it also holds incredible wisdom and insights for our financial lives? God's Word has the power to transform every aspect of our existence, including our finances. So, let me ask you: Do you truly believe that God wants to bless you abundantly in your financial journey? 

Imagine speaking biblical declarations over your finances and experiencing the manifestation of God's promises in your life. It's time to release any doubts or limiting beliefs and embrace the truth that God's Word has the power to bring about supernatural provision, debt freedom, and financial abundance. 

What Are Biblical Financial Declarations? Biblical financial declarations are affirmations rooted in the promises and principles found in Scripture. They allow us to align our financial desires with God's will and claim His blessings over our lives. By speaking these declarations with faith and conviction, we invite God's supernatural intervention into our financial journey. 

Here are a few examples to get you started: 

"I declare that God is my provider, and He will meet all my needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus." 

  • "I declare that I am blessed to be a blessing. As I give generously, God multiplies my resources and increases my capacity to give." 
  • "I declare that I am a good steward of the financial resources entrusted to me. I manage my finances with wisdom and integrity." 
  • "I declare that God gives me the power to create wealth. I walk in His favor, and opportunities for financial increase come my way." 
  • "I declare that I am free from the bondage of debt. I sow seeds of faith and obedience, and God blesses me with financial freedom." 

Remember, these declarations are not mere words but powerful expressions of faith. Speak them with conviction, knowing that God's Word does not return void. 

Let's Make It Happen Together! To help you dive deeper into this life-changing practice, I've created a special resource just for you: the "21 Days of Biblical Financial Declarations Journal." This journal is designed to guide you through three weeks of aligning your financial journey with God's promises. It will help you reflect, meditate on Scripture, and experience the transformative power of biblical financial declarations. 

But wait, there's more! I'm thrilled to announce that next month, we'll be launching the anthology - "No More Residue: Girl See the New You." It's filled with stories, experiences, and wisdom from women who have walked this journey of self-discovery and self-belief. Get ready for a journey of transformation like no other!  

In the meantime, I invite you to download the "21 Days of Biblical Financial Declarations Journal" and start speaking life into your finances through the power of God's Word. Watch as His promises come alive in your financial journey. 

Let's trust in God's provision, declare His promises, and embrace the abundant life He has in store for us. 

Be Blessed, Be Fruitful and Multiply,  

Sister Tesha 

P.S. Download your free copy of the "21 Days of Biblical Financial Declarations Journal" today and embark on a faith-filled journey towards financial abundance. Stay tuned for more information on our upcoming book, "No More Residue Girl: See the New You," coming next month! 

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